Active Outsourcing: SMSF Outsourcing and Accountancy Outsourcing

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Are you the Captain of the Clients Team?

Attempting to serve as a master-of-all-trades accountant for your clients inevitably results in subpar outcomes. It's pivotal to acknowledge that, as a professional, you need not bear the entire responsibility of meeting every client need. The key to successful client service lies in recognising your strengths, delivering them with excellence, and outsourcing tasks outside your expertise, such as SMSF compliance to Active Outsourcing.

In my extensive experience, countless Research and Development (R&D) or Employee Share Scheme jobs have been referred to specialised firms. Remarkably, not a single client has been lost due to these referrals. Clients value your commitment to delivering the best possible outcome, even if it involves collaboration with specialists.

Your role as an accountant is not to be the sole executor of tasks but to own the client relationship, acting as the team captain.

Coordinate various specialists to achieve optimal outcomes for your client. Clients appreciate your honesty about not possessing every skill but expect you to avoid critical mistakes.

When confronted with a client request beyond your expertise, don't panic. Recall Vanilla Ice's advice: "Stop, collaborate, and listen." Pause your initial reaction and leverage your network, including LinkedIn connections, to find an expert in the required field. Collaborate with this specialist to ensure the client receives top-notch service.

In a constantly evolving profession, specialising in diverse fields is becoming the norm. Set aside ego and collaborate seamlessly with other professionals to deliver the comprehensive service your clients deserve. Clients are willing to pay for results, and your commitment to effective collaboration ensures they receive the best.

This approach cements your position as a trusted advisor, guiding clients to success through competence and collaboration.

Gaining proficiency in data is a recommendation for all accountants, a topic I'll delve into next week, further enhancing your skill set.