Active Outsourcing: SMSF Outsourcing and Accountancy Outsourcing

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Demystifying Outsourcing Jargon for your Success

In the expansive landscape of outsourcing, akin to myriad other professional sectors, a plethora of specialised terminology has emerged over the years. Navigating this jargon is crucial, and today, I endeavor to demystify some of these concepts:

1. Onshore outsourcing, or onshoring: This strategic practice involves collaborating with another company within the confines of your own nation for various services. In the context of Australia, homeshoring encompasses engaging the services of workers based in Australia, often promoting a sense of familiarity and shared cultural nuances. However, it's essential to note that this option may not always deliver the same financial advantages as a more globally dispersed offshoring approach, a point we'll explore in greater detail later.

2. Nearshore outsourcing: This nuanced approach entails contracting a company located in a nearby country, fostering geographical proximity. In Australia, proximal outsourcing options are somewhat limited, particularly with the New Zealand dollar now nearly equivalent to ours. The proximity may offer advantages in terms of time zone alignment and potential travel ease for in-person meetings.

3. Offshoring, or offshore outsourcing: This well-established practice involves engaging a company situated in a geographically distant region, transcending borders for specialized services. Common offshore destinations encompass India, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka, each offering unique strengths and considerations. Drawing from personal experience, our operations are centered in India, where I have cultivated a trusted relationship with Gates in Coimbatore, whom I've known since he graciously picked me up at Coimbatore airport around midnight back in May 2009.

I’ve been directly outsourcing SMSF work and outsourcing accountancy work offshore since then so I have been offshoring that work for around 15 years.

4. Bestshore outsourcing: A relatively recent and lesser-known term comes into play, signifying the pursuit of the ideal "shore" to optimize communication, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. This involves a nuanced evaluation of various factors, including language proficiency, cultural alignment, and operational efficiency. The optimal shore for your business is the choice that aligns most effectively with your unique operational requirements, serving as a crucial determinant for success in the outsourcing landscape.

I hope this expanded breakdown proves invaluable as you navigate the nuanced world of outsourcing terminology. Once again, I extend my willingness to assist any accounting firm contemplating the transformative journey into outsourcing. With over a decade of dedicated experience in this field, I've witnessed firsthand the intricacies and challenges that arise when not approached with careful consideration.

I'm Kane from Active Outsourcing (, with a steadfast commitment to outsourcing for over 15 years. My professional journey includes initiating the SMSF outsourcing team at Moore Stephens and overseeing the National Deloitte Outsourcing team in Australia. If you have any questions about outsourcing or accountancy, please don't hesitate to ask.